
I’m 18 so I’m still young and I’m at a point in my life where everything is changing. So this month’s theme of change is kind of perfect. Almost everything is changing for me. School is completely changed. I am now a full-time college student at USCA!!! I am very excited to start my new life and the changes that come with it.

College is very different from the freshman year that I expected — I was very much looking forward to being on campus and really experiencing campus life. When I was first told that we would not have school regularly on campus, I was very upset about the change. Having already lost the end of my senior year, now I would be losing my college life as well. I was very resistant because change is a hard thing for me to cope with.

The more it became a reality, the more I began to accept the change. I began to see the bright side. I began to understand that although my new school life was not the one that I was planning on, it is still my school life and I need to embrace it. Now that I have started my new hybrid version of school, I am adjusting well. I love my classes on campus and off campus, and I am grateful to be able to have even this little bit of a college experience.

Another change that I really struggled with was my changing relationships with my friends. My best friend is a freshman at Charleston Southern University, and her leaving really hit me hard. I felt that I had lost so much time with her because of quarantine, and now she was leaving. I was very worried that our relationship would break down because of this separation. When we finally did see each other before she left, I was happy to see that we were just as close and that she missed me as well. After that I knew that although our friendship dynamic will change, it doesn’t mean that everything will change.

So, with my new knowledge of change, I really urge you not to fight your change. Though it may be hard, trust the process — it will end whatever way it was meant to.

Trust the process and don’t be afraid to adjust.

Picture of Anaya Armstrong

Anaya Armstrong

Anaya Armstrong is a graduate from South Aiken High School. She is 18 years old and has been an Aiken resident for six years. She is the eldest of four sisters and is the daughter of Ladonna Armstrong. She will be attending the University of South Carolina, Aiken in the fall where she will pursue a business degree. She is the Marketing Assistant at Bella Magazine and the Bella Buzz Coordinator.
Picture of Anaya Armstrong

Anaya Armstrong

Anaya Armstrong is a graduate from South Aiken High School. She is 18 years old and has been an Aiken resident for six years. She is the eldest of four sisters and is the daughter of Ladonna Armstrong. She will be attending the University of South Carolina, Aiken in the fall where she will pursue a business degree. She is the Marketing Assistant at Bella Magazine and the Bella Buzz Coordinator.

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