Excerpt from Rhinestones on my Flip-Flops

I was privileged to sing at Rev. Lowell Clark’s memorial celebration. I have always loved his family and especially his wonderful wife, “Miss Ada.” She taught both of my children in pre-school and is definitely a WOW.

The minister opened the service by saying, “Lowell preached his own funeral … by the way he lived his life.” The quaint country church showcased Mr. Lowell’s life in a visual tribute that included his iconic bicycle decorated with flowers, a worn Bible, and a Clemson University flag. Mr. Lowell loved to ride his bike and share his faith. What a way to cruise through life. Yes, we were celebrating the life of an amazing, humble man who loved to laugh.

With respect for Mr. Lowell’s long life and the presence of many of his friends, the congregation was given the opportunity to speak about his life. Some who spoke made the congregation laugh out loud with comments like, “Lowell could put one on ya … and you couldn’t get it off.”

One story shared was a trick he played on Miss Ada. Mr. Lowell tied a clear fishing line around one of their daughter’s dolls. With the life-sized doll placed at the top of the staircase, Mr. Lowell positioned himself on the last step. He called for Miss Ada to watch how well their toddler son had learned to walk down the stairs. Miss Ada turned her head and was practically hysterical when she saw her young son tumbling head first as Mr. Lowell yanked the undetected fishing line.

The next story was told by a bald-headed gentleman named, no kidding, Pee-Wee, who spoke of their involvement as Masons. At a large gathering of Masons, Mr. Lowell was asked to open the meeting in prayer. Before he began praying, he asked his buddy Pee-Wee to stand. Mr. Lowell announced to the entire crowd that he was sorry he and Pee-Wee were late coming to the event. Pee-Wee said he was surprised Lowell made that comment since they had arrived in a timely manner. According to Pee-Wee, Mr. Lowell, always the prankster, continued, “Ya’ll please pray for my buddy Pee-Wee. He just had to roll down his window and his hairpiece blew off. We had to turn around and look for it. So if ya’ll see something lookin’ like a dead ‘possum on the interstate, it’s probably Pee-Wee’s hair.”

As much as Pee-Wee tried to assure the crowd that he did not wear a hairpiece, Mr. Lowell was so convincing that many continued to comment throughout the day that they hoped he found his hair.

The funeral service concluded with the heartfelt words from a fellow minister Mr. Lowell had mentored: “I wonder what it’s like to ride your bike on streets paved with gold.”

So I ask, “Will your life preach your funeral?”

Picture of Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong is a Southern humorist, Sirius XM comedian, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, and the best-selling author of four books. Jane travels the country sharing her sweet tea wisdom and Southern fried humor. For information on how to contact Jane for speaking engagements or to purchase her books, CD’s or MP3’s, visit
Picture of Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong

Jane Jenkins Herlong is a Southern humorist, Sirius XM comedian, member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, and the best-selling author of four books. Jane travels the country sharing her sweet tea wisdom and Southern fried humor. For information on how to contact Jane for speaking engagements or to purchase her books, CD’s or MP3’s, visit

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