Discipline + Purpose

Discipline — what a great characteristic to start off the year 2020.

Discipline is having the desire and will to execute actions with vision and purpose over all other options, and it’s having the self control to overcome temptation. Discipline is self mastery, and it takes heart, effort, and will to complete. It’s matching your actions to your beliefs. Discipline makes the difference between greatness and mediocrity. Discipline is related to greatness, and lives between doing the right thing over doing what you want to do and doing what you don’t want to do because it’s the right thing.

I do not know any living person on earth today who is absolutely flawless and perfect. I do not know anyone whose actions always reflect their true desired self at all times. With that being said, we all could improve our discipline. In what areas of our lives do we lack discipline? And why? I need more discipline in several areas of my work life and my home life . I want to go to sleep on time, wake up earlier, live healthier, and be a better financial steward. Where do you need to have more discipline? Whatever it is, the New Year is a great time to see it through!

Two people come to mind when I think of a person I know who displays discipline on a regular basis; they are Fred Dohse and Dekoda Watson. Both of these individuals displayed discipline on a high level that set them apart and launched them into successful careers. Fred Dohse, former COO of SRNS and longtime employee of Huntington Ingalls Industries, operates on a solid code of ethics, morals, and values; he lives with the discipline to avoid compromising those standards for any reason. I watched Mr. Dohse live and work with a sense of safety, integrity, humility, respect, and vision — all the qualities I look for in someone to follow.

Dekoda Watson, the Seahawks Linebacker who grew up in Aiken, had the discipline, will, and execution to stay sober, work hard, study, and train; when the world told him he couldn’t, he stepped up and tried. My college wide receiver Coach Tony Elliot always told me I needed to sacrifice what I wanted now for what I wanted most. I did it backwards: I sacrificed what I wanted most, the NFL, for what I wanted now, to have a good time. I watched Dekoda consistently act according to his belief and vision despite all other forces. That’s discipline.

From a community perspective, I’d like to recognize all teachers. The discipline you exhibit on a daily basis is extraordinary, and the discipline you instill in our youth and our collective future is directly linked to our safety and collective community progress. Thank you for all your hard work and for displaying discipline on a world class level!

We all have feelings and emotions that influence us and tempt us to do things that are destructive of ourselves or others. Having a vision and/or purpose can help improve your discipline. My intention is to create a peaceful and positive environment in all that I do. This helps me have discipline when my feelings, thoughts, or emotions are out of balance. It allows me to respond to ill, negative, or non-loving actions with grace, truth, peace, and love. Action without vision is passing time away, vision without action is day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world!

What’s your purpose or life statement? What do you want to accomplish this year? What do you want to leave behind as you enter the new year? Who is responsible for your feelings and actions? What is your desired result? What is one thing you can do to get closer to your objective? What do you desire most? Do you have the discipline to show self control in your actions?

We should all endeavor to be faithful to our word, and work on our discipline to become better human beings. When you are at your best, everything around you is better. I wish you the best year ever in 2020, and pray that everyone who reads this is successful in your chosen area of improved discipline. Have a great day and a happy January!

Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.
Picture of Byron Bush

Byron Bush

Byron Bush is the Director of Business Development for Empowered Global Solutions, Inc., a certified Woman Owned Small Business specializing in engineering, IT, environmental, construction, supply chain, safety, finance, and administrative staffing & recruiting. He is also the President & CEO of Bright & Bold Entertainment and B&B Network, LLC – a network of people and businesses who help each other develop business, wealth, and leadership. Byron serves on the Board for the USCA Inclusion Advisory Board, Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA), Aiken Center for the Arts, Treasurer for Education Matters, and a member of Aiken Young Professionals and the Royal Aikenites. He graduated from South Carolina State University with a Degree in Accounting, played on the SCSU Football and Golf teams, and joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Byron was born in Ellicot City, Maryland, raised in Aiken, SC, and he works to make every day a great day.

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