An Interview with Zach McCabe | January’s Mr. Bella Fella

 Zach McCabe moved to Augusta with his wife April a little over five years ago. Before they settled in Augusta, Zach had moved six times in the span of five years. He arrived at each new location with the same random liquor cabinet of assorted bottles that every person in his 20s has. As he was unpacking them during the last move, he realized he was tired of moving the collection and trying to find it a home, so he decide he’d better try to do something with the curiously curated collection or give it up. He had mixed up a few things, here and there, and with this and that, but with very little intent.

So Zach decided to look up a recipe online — the Old Fashioned. The Old Fashioned was to him was a very ubiquitous cocktail. A classic. He was, like, “Oh, this is pretty good!” And that led him down the path of learning new drinks and trying them out on April.

After a month of living in Augusta, Zach and April had not yet met many people. When they eventually started having people over to their house, they wanted to be hospitable and impress them and make them feel welcomed. Making drinks for his guests is how Zach would accomplish this.

And that is how Zach got started in mixology, wanting to make good drinks, friends, and people happy.

Zachary Charles McCabe

Civil Engineer

Side Hustle:

Side, Side Hustle:
Co-Owner of Augusta Neat

First Job:
Delivering Pizza for Dominic’s Six Pack

Worst Job:
Delivering Pizza

Greatest career challenge:
Convincing people to care what goes into their drinks

What you do to relax:
Make people happy

Role model:
My dad, as an overall human;
as a bartender: Souther Teague

Happiest when:
I make people happy

Trait you most deplore in others:
A sense of pride associated with their ignorance

Career advice:
Do what makes you happy

Love advice:
Do what makes them happy

One word that sums you up:
Indecisive (about finding a single word to describe myself)


Greatest weakness:

What no one knows about you:
I have a tattoo

What makes you insecure:
When I don’t get feedback

How you handle stress:
Smile and full steam ahead

Best gift you have ever been given:
When April said Yes

Where would you live if you could live anywhere:

An Interview with Zach McCabe | January’s Mr. Bella Fella | Palmetto Bella

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Palmetto Bella Staff

Staff writer for Palmetto Bella Magazine
Picture of Palmetto Bella Staff

Palmetto Bella Staff

Staff writer for Palmetto Bella Magazine

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