2019 Holistic Wellness Fair Offers Wide Range of Providers

The 2019 Holistic Wellness Fair will be held at the Odell Weeks Center June 1, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Gyms 1 & 2. This free event is open to the public and aims to connect local residents to holistic wellness providers in a fun and interactive way.

Fair attendees will have the opportunity to meet energy healing/Reiki practitioners, chiropractors, and nutritional consultants from the Aiken, North Augusta, and Augusta areas. Also available will be chair massages, chiropractic assessments, and mini-Reiki sessions, as well as consultations with physicians, nutritionists, exercise counselors, energy healing practitioners, hypotherapists, psychotherapists, and financial advisors.

In addition to information and consultations, the fair will feature several guest speakers, food, yoga, and Pilates demonstrations, skin and nail care stations, and a wide variety of vendors selling pendulums, essential oils, hand-crafted jewelry, oracle readings, body lotions and soaps, dream catchers, crystals, gemstones, and more.

“We believe the ideal definition of wellness includes more than just physical health,” said Melissa Kitchings, Holistic Wellness Fair Director and owner of Mind-Body-Spirit Connections and a Reiki Master/Teacher in Aiken. “We define holistic wellness to include physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. We feel this includes services that help people feel informed, beautiful, and supported so they can approach wellness from a place of empowerment.”

Kitchings said that her mission to hold an annual wellness fair that is free to the community and serves as a resource in finding holistic practitioners and services is realized in this event. “We are committed to helping the holistic community grow in a positive manner that is dedicated to building and upholding quality standards in our profession,” she continued. We also strive to promote sharing and awareness within the holistic wellness community itself by sponsoring or promoting healing events and training courses that may be beneficial to local holistic businesses.”

She came up with the idea because she has seen in her practice a huge demand for alternative and complementary health venues.

“People want to know who we are and where we are, but don’t know where to look,” she said. “I get calls all the time and am happy to refer people, but this will empower the community to learn more and make informed choices.”

Kitchings is teaming up with like-minded practitioners in the area to help the community get to know the immense talent and wealth of resources that are available. This annual Holistic Wellness Fair is presented by Gold Sponsors Peaceful Warrior Apothecary and the CBD Store, and Silver Sponsors Gerideau’s Massage and Bodywork, Access Chiropractic and Wellness, Augusta Float and Wellness, Kristian B. Steele Photography, Bloom Bodyworks, and 123CBDME, and Mind-Body-Spirit Connections.

The Holistic Wellness Fair is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with the vision of spreading awareness of holistic wellness practitioners and services in the local community.

For more information on the Holistic Wellness Fair, call 803.640.0785, visit www.holisticwellnessfair.org, or look on Facebook at @HolisticWellnessFair.


Mind-Body-Spirit Connections is owned by Melissa Kitchings, a Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Triom Practitioner, and offers energy healing sessions, classes and training. Melissa’s experience includes the chakra system, creative visualization, intuitive energetic healing, Eden Energy Medicine, and more, with a focus on the links between our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits. Melissa Kitchings, Holistic Wellness Fair Director
803.640.0785 | admin@holisticwellnessfair.org

Picture of Melissa Kitchings

Melissa Kitchings

Mind-Body-Spirit Connections is owned by Melissa Kitchings, a Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Triom Practitioner, and offers energy healing sessions, classes and training. Melissa’s experience includes the chakra system, creative visualization, intuitive energetic healing, Eden Energy Medicine, and more, with a focus on the links between our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits. Melissa Kitchings, Holistic Wellness Fair Director 803.640.0785 | admin@holisticwellnessfair.org
Picture of Melissa Kitchings

Melissa Kitchings

Mind-Body-Spirit Connections is owned by Melissa Kitchings, a Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Triom Practitioner, and offers energy healing sessions, classes and training. Melissa’s experience includes the chakra system, creative visualization, intuitive energetic healing, Eden Energy Medicine, and more, with a focus on the links between our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits. Melissa Kitchings, Holistic Wellness Fair Director 803.640.0785 | admin@holisticwellnessfair.org

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