The Beautiful People Gala

In December of 1969, Melanie Safka released her song “Beautiful People” in recognition of the homeless population in the United States. The opening line of the song says it all:

Beautiful people
You live in the same world as I do
But somehow I never noticed
You before today
I’m ashamed to say

Homelessness is defined as lacking stable and appropriate housing. People can be categorized as homeless if they are living on the streets (primary homelessness); moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends and family and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); or living in private boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure (tertiary homelessness). The legal definition of homeless varies among jurisdictions in the same country or region.

70% percent of the people experiencing homelessness are individuals who are living on their own or in the company of adults. The remaining 30% are people in families with children. In the United States we do provide shelters for the homeless; however, there is a severe shortage of beds. Far too many people in our country sleep outside in locations not meant for human habitation, and no community is immune from homelessness.

Martha Wise, owner of White Rose Eclectics, discovered this when she learned about the weekly soup kitchen at St. Thaddeus. She soon became aware of the homelessness in Aiken. Martha’s heart was consumed with hurt, and she wondered how the people of Aiken could help. She started by going to the Salvation Army and asking what they needed the most. She learned Aiken currently has only one homeless shelter, and it houses only 50 people. The most important need is for a second shelter that can house and feed more people.

Martha decided to create an event for the people who need a voice in our community. The mission of the Beautiful People Gala is to raise awareness of the homeless in Aiken and also raise money for a new shelter. The Beautiful People Gala raises money through ticket sales and silent/live auctions, and the event has enjoyed a huge success in the community. One highlight at this year’s event is the book The Invisible Veteran, written by local photographer and author R. J. Bednez. His book is based on his interviews with 160 homeless veterans from Pennsylvania. All proceeds from book sales will be donated to the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army of Aiken changes lives by helping people get jobs and by improving their quality of life. The organization provides emergency shelter and transitional living for up to 50 people at a time. It also provides counseling and educational and vocational services to the homeless, destitute individuals, and families.

This year’s Beautiful People Gala will be held at Newberry Hall on May 21 at 7:00 pm. The Carolina Coast Band will provide entertainment. Tickets are $70.00 each or $120.00 for a couple. Tickets can be purchased through the Beautiful People Gala Facebook page at or by visiting White Rose Eclectics at 142 Laurens Street SW in Aiken.

Last year the event was fortunate to raise $27,000. This year, with the grace of God and the support of the community, the goal is to raise $50,000.

Benefits of Journaling

  • Creates a permanent record of our lives.
  • Helps to slow down our minds.
  • Helps us to focus on our day.
  • Helps us process our thoughts and think things through.
  • Decreases stress.
  • Enhances creativity.
  • Increases self-awareness.

“Preserve your memories,
keep them well, what you forget
you can never retell.”

~ Louisa May Alcott

“A journal is your completely unaltered voice.”

~ Lucy Dacus

Picture of RJ Bednez

RJ Bednez

RJ Bednez is a self-taught photographer, and my technique has evolved, and continues to evolve, over 45 years of experience. Each image is created in layers using techniques I learned in photo labs developing 35mm film and using techniques I learned studying digital manipulation. It takes me anywhere from an hour to eight hours to create an image depending on the number of layers.
Picture of RJ Bednez

RJ Bednez

RJ Bednez is a self-taught photographer, and my technique has evolved, and continues to evolve, over 45 years of experience. Each image is created in layers using techniques I learned in photo labs developing 35mm film and using techniques I learned studying digital manipulation. It takes me anywhere from an hour to eight hours to create an image depending on the number of layers.

In the know

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