Let’s Talk: New Beginnings

Life is full of unusual changes and journeys that affect people in different ways. I like to think of life’s voyages as seasons that change with various weather patterns, bringing new beginnings or a brand new start. Just as spring brings new plants, flowers, and beautiful scenery. Then fall brings colorful leaves, bare trees, and a little breeze in the air. Let’s take a closer look at some ways to turn a new leaf.

Many people wait until a New Year to make a new beginning or set a new resolution, but new beginnings can start at any time and can be as simple as a new hairstyle or as complex as changing your career path. One journey that we all share in common is the beginning of a New Year and progress toward ending this pandemic.

New beginnings can be scary, but they can also be rewarding. Many life changes are new beginnings, including the birth of a child or grandchild, weddings, graduations, new careers, and other tangible events.

Some people may view a new home or location, or a new personal relationship, as a new beginning. No matter what you consider to be a new beginning, one common factor people look for is a positive outcome. Is the change a positive asset in your life? Does the new beginning bring you joy and happiness? Will it help you progress and grow?

We all prefer new beginnings that are strategically beneficial and distinctly defined. Here are some tips that will ensure that your new beginnings are positive and enlightening.

  • Review the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Develop a clear and precise action plan to implement the new beginning.
  • Prepare for any external setbacks or unexpected distractions.
  • Prepare your mind and body for the change or new beginning.
  • Consider joining a support group or asking for assistance from professional colleagues.
  • Be aware that you own the rights to your new beginnings.

Most importantly, be aware that you are embarking on a new journey, a new beginning — be confident, healthy, motivated. It’s your journey and no one else’s. There is no wrong way to launch a new journey — you hold the key to your success. Remember — you can always start over or tailor your fresh start to what meets your needs and is suitable for your lifestyle.

In addition, the sooner you embark on a new beginning, the closer you are to your reward. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Just do it!

Picture of Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre, a United States Air Force veteran and proud graduate of Bellevue University, is inspired by making a positive impact in our youth’s community and lives. She is a former special education teacher and a civil service administrator. She loves hiking, camping, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.
Picture of Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre

Latina McIntyre, a United States Air Force veteran and proud graduate of Bellevue University, is inspired by making a positive impact in our youth’s community and lives. She is a former special education teacher and a civil service administrator. She loves hiking, camping, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.

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