Celebrating the Beauty of the Natural World through Artwork | “Outside and Around Us”

Celebrating the Beauty of the Natural World through Artwork | “Outside and Around Us” | Palmetto Bella

Artwork provided by Aiken Center for the Arts, used with permission

Plein air painting is about leaving the four walls of your studio behind and experiencing painting and drawing in the landscape. An upcoming exhibition at Aiken Center for the Arts, “Outside and Around Us,” features plein air artwork by local artists Al Beyer, Bill Daniel, Sally Donovan, and Andrew Murphy from December 3, 2020 through January 29, 2021.

For these artists, there is something about being in the environment as they paint that is important to them. It is more than simply painting outside; there is value from being in the open air. They are offered the opportunity to recreate a sliver of the outside world on a painting surface in a short period of time that may change in minutes. Sally Donovan explains, “On site, when our brushes land on that chosen canvas or board, we attempt to make a greater connection to our surroundings. We interpret our subject individually, but share, as a small group, a particular way we value what is outside and around us.”

These four artists met at USC Aiken several years ago; Al Beyer was their art professor at the time. They have made a weekly commitment for the last 2 years to paint, en plein air, rain or shine. The locations they visit are in Aiken and the surrounding areas. “Our small Friday morning painting group is a highlight for me. The camaraderie is most appreciated. I enjoy the atmosphere of just being outside. The paintings are therapeutic and enjoyable,” says Beyer.

The “process” of painting is often talked about as you are learning, but in the case of plein air works, there are additional dimensions to take into account, one of them being weather. “Changes in lighting and weather make it challenging. You have to make relatively quick decisions on the one hand, but on the other, you get to start fresh each week,” says Beyer. Donovan elaborates, “Although painting outdoors presents its own set of challenges, there can be a wonderful sense of freedom. I enjoy connecting with my environment and feel in charge of what I want to do in a different way from being in the studio.”

In a studio setting, light is constant, giving a longer working time. Painting en plein air contrasts with studio painting that may create a predetermined look. “Painting from life as opposed to using a photo reveals realistic light, color, and depth,” explains Bill Daniel. He continues, “Attempting to capture the three dimensional landscape on a flat surface is a challenge; however, completing a realistic impression of the view is within reach.” Andrew Murphy adds, “Our world never lacks a subject to portray. I especially enjoy the spontaneity of a subject appearing before me at the least expected time in the least expected place.” Plein air artists choose to paint outside to stay as true as possible to the colors and light of the landscape they experience, rather than going through a secondary medium’s translation of the scene.

The French phrase “en plein air” translates to “outdoors,” but it connotes so much more than that: being out in the open, exposed to the elements with nature at your fingertips, a celebration of the natural world. This exhibition features 80 pieces of artwork that capture some intangible part of nature and embody what this practice means to these artists and how they value what is outside and around us.

Celebrating the Beauty of the Natural World through Artwork | “Outside and Around Us” | Palmetto Bella

Celebrating the Beauty of the Natural World through Artwork | “Outside and Around Us” | Palmetto Bella

Celebrating the Beauty of the Natural World through Artwork | “Outside and Around Us” | Palmetto Bella

Picture of Kayla Hitchcock

Kayla Hitchcock

Picture of Kayla Hitchcock

Kayla Hitchcock

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