Overcoming Adversity | An Interview with Aiken Mayor Rick Osbon

It has been a privilege to hold the position as Mayor of Aiken for five years now.

Has it been challenging? Absolutely, especially due to COVID-19 affecting our world, our country, our state, and our city. But through adversity come self-evaluation and reflection, which lead to innovation, new ideas, efficiencies, productivity, and opportunities to achieve success. Whether a small business, a large manufacturer, or a city, I want you to know — you will be better, stronger, more profitable, and able to reach and help more people because of the challenges we are currently facing.

When Team Bella recently asked me about why I love what I do, I immediately thought of my family — my beloved wife Angie and three children, Reagan, Gemma, and Sterling. They are my world and they keep me in check. Each of them brings me so much joy and gives me the motivation to be better than I was yesterday. I was recently talking with my son Reagan about his position as Student Body President at Presbyterian College. His role has involved him in having to work around extreme pandemic restrictions and racial tensions. Perhaps my role in the community has influenced him over the years, but observing his courage in willingly taking on such a role at a young age in such a time as this has challenged me to reflect on my own leadership skills. This is certainly a difficult time for everyone, but the lessons we are learning now are invaluable for our future success.

The future of Aiken is in great hands

We are very fortunate to live in a city where individuals come together for the greater good. I have been extremely pleased by the community involvement in protecting our citizens.

  • The Aiken Chamber of Commerce, Security Federal, and The Aiken Corporation stepped up and joined with the City of Aiken in providing a total of $445,000 in assistance to the local business community through the creation and administration of the $1 million small business revolving loan fund called HELP (Healthy Economy Loan Program).
  • Our Economic Development Department, under the direction of Tim O’Briant, was able to assist the restaurant community with outdoor dining infrastructure, allowing businesses to open when the governor allowed it.
  • Our staff counseled more than 250 small businesses regarding recovery programs, and assisted with applications to the federal Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program and the Payroll Protection Program (PPP).
  • Aiken Regional Medical Center, along with the Clyburn Center, worked with DHEC to provide drive-through medical services, and designated COVID units. Words can’t express the gratitude for the healthcare workers who have tirelessly worked to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Even looking at our housing market, Aiken County has sold 1,899 homes since January. That is 175 more than in the same time frame in 2019! The average selling price is nearly $25,000 more per home than a year ago. Aiken is a special place!

Aiken is moving forward

We are in this together. As mayor, my hope is to be effective and to be able to make a difference in our city. Our best days are ahead of us and there is no place with a brighter future than Aiken! May God bless each of you and God bless our city!

Joining the Bella Team

The Osbons have a long history in Aiken. Rick’s grandfather, Arthur Osbon, opened Osbon Cleaners in 1950. Rick attended public school in Aiken and graduated from USC Aiken with a degree in business. We look forward to hearing Rick’s insights about life in the Aiken community on a regular basis.

Picture of Rick Osbon

Rick Osbon

Picture of Rick Osbon

Rick Osbon

In the know

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