Turning Your Home into a Tropical Oasis

The millennial curse is this: we are paid less than our parents’ generation, we are often living in apartments or smaller homes without gardens, and we often still carry debt from college. Kids and pets are a near impossibility while we struggle to provide for ourselves, much less for another living creature. But the need to nurture is still there, and it is strong. So I introduce to you the Plant Parents.

Plants have the additional charm of creating a meditative place. They clean the air. They are living home decorations. Instead of purchasing tinkety decor items that will end up in a landfill, you now have plants. Feel powerless to stop global warming? Buy some plants. Anxious about not being able to travel or go to the beach? Buy some plants and order take out from a locally owned business. Make your own oasis inside!

These are my top recommended plants for those who are just beginning their Plant Parent Journey and creating an indoor jungle. These plants are budget friendly, hearty, and easy to propagate, and they grow incredibly quickly. These plants also thrive in humid homes and like a good amount of water. And an added bonus: I found these plants for less than $15.


The leaves come in shades of lime, lemon, gold, dark green, and variegated stripes in between depending on the variety. They can be trained to grow up a moss pole to create a lovely room fixture, which will cause their leaves and vines to grow slow and thick or to trail down in lush curtains that grow quickly with smaller leaves. Want a few more pots of them? Cut your trailing vine with some root and put it in a pot with soil and you have a brand new plant.


These stunning vines cannot be stopped! Their lovely striped leaves can be green, purple, or white, and in the right conditions they will flower with pink or yellow buds. These vines grow incredibly fast and long, and to propagate them you can split the plant in half or pop off a few vines and put them in soil and watch them grow.


This plant is great indoors as well as outdoors and provides very pungent blossoms. They look lovely sprawling upwards on a trellis and can add privacy to a window.


This very popular houseplant is very quick growing and make quite the statement with its large, fenestrated leaves. Monsteras are more forgiving than they’re given credit for and are as easy to propagate in water and soil as Pothos are, and they have similar soil and care requirements. Beware that the variegated varieties of monstera can be very pricey, with some Thai Constellations going for hundreds of dollars for a cutting of a single node of a leaf and root.

Dwarf Cavendish

This little banana plant will remain pretty small. These plants have thick dramatic canopies that really set the tone for an indoor jungle. They are said to bring good luck into a house when placed by the front door. They also start to make little copies of themselves from their roots, so you might find yourself with a few new plants before long.


Ferns come in all kinds and shapes that add to a tropical vibe in any home, but my favorite is the maidenhair fern. These have delicate, petal-like fronds. Unlike some varieties, these do not shed, and when their fronds reach the end of their life cycle, crumple and dry like paper that is easily clipped away. They’re easily spread by dividing the roots into segments and repotting. The sections may appear small after dividing, but these plants grow thick and fast.

Yuccas, palms, hoyas, fiddly figs, orchids, and rubber trees can also add a great structure, color, and tropical vibes to your home. But be warned that they can be more expensive, slower growing, more particular about their care, and not as easily propagated.

For dryer homes, instead of expensive humidifiers for plants, a small water fountain will work just as well — a fountain provides humidity as well as a peaceful water element.

Before too long, you’ll find that you’ve created your own oasis and island of peace. In the joy of creating this indoor paradise for yourself, you will find yourself making friends online with fellow plant parents, engrossed in highly specific YouTube tips, and possibly engaging in Facebook arguments about the proper plant care.

Good luck on your Plant Parenting Journey, and may the green goddess bless your plants, cuttings, and seeds.

Picture of Jennifer J Foreman

Jennifer J Foreman

I was born in New Ellenton, South Carolina, and moved to Edisto Island as a teen. I received a degree in Creative Writing from the College of Charleston and a Masters in Creative Digital Media at Dublin Institute in Dublin, Ireland. Now I call this new beautiful island home, where I live with my lovely husband and adorable cat. I host a podcast called Encouraging Distraction that focuses on Irish history, mysteries, lore, and more. I love plants, podcasts, and writing. My dream is to have my own garden center.
Picture of Jennifer J Foreman

Jennifer J Foreman

I was born in New Ellenton, South Carolina, and moved to Edisto Island as a teen. I received a degree in Creative Writing from the College of Charleston and a Masters in Creative Digital Media at Dublin Institute in Dublin, Ireland. Now I call this new beautiful island home, where I live with my lovely husband and adorable cat. I host a podcast called Encouraging Distraction that focuses on Irish history, mysteries, lore, and more. I love plants, podcasts, and writing. My dream is to have my own garden center.

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