The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell

The August Bella Book Club Review by Nichole Miller

Samuel Hill was teased and bullied as a child due to his unique eyes. He was born with ocular albinism, which caused his eyes to appear red. This led to names such as “devil boy,” and Sam Hill became Sam Hell. His only friends were Ernie Cantwell and Mickie Kennedy, and they stuck by his side. Ernie was the only black boy in their Catholic school, and Mickie was known for breaking all the rules. A group of misfits, they showed that compassion and friendship can break all barriers. This book dares to question how many times someone can be told he is the devil before he starts to believe it.

Now an adult, Sam is an ophthalmologist, but tragedy has a way of creeping back into his life. Will Sam ever find happiness? This book follows Sam Hill from childhood through adulthood and through all the ups and downs of an extraordinary life. This is an emotional read that tells the story of a child stripped of his self-worth who inadvertently touches everyone in his life without realizing it. One of my favorite reads so far this year, the story reminds us that every life is extraordinary and worth living to the fullest.

Picture of Nichole Miller

Nichole Miller

Nikke is a busy nurse practitioner but in her spare time is an avid reader of all genres. Other hobbies include kayaking, writing, and sleeping. She and her husband have two daughters, three cats, and one kombucha scoby. To rationalize her book addiction, she will be bringing us a monthly book club selection.
Picture of Nichole Miller

Nichole Miller

Nikke is a busy nurse practitioner but in her spare time is an avid reader of all genres. Other hobbies include kayaking, writing, and sleeping. She and her husband have two daughters, three cats, and one kombucha scoby. To rationalize her book addiction, she will be bringing us a monthly book club selection.

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