Enthusiasm is a Must for Success

Enthusiasm is the energy, the intense zeal, the inspiration, the focus, the fervor, the excitement, or the enjoyment found in people when they are possessed by a conscious or unconscious desire to do something.

If you have ever wondered what differentiates the average person from the one who has achieved stupendous success, you will realize that it may be the intensity of enthusiasm that has helped the highly successful person reach such great heights. Those who accomplished great things in their chosen fields could not have done so without enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm Gives You Sustainable Power

To achieve success in your endeavors, you should never be a quitter. There may be obstacles or failures, but they should not upset you. Obstacles are there to instruct you. You may be disappointed a little but you should have the courage of conviction about your ultimate success. You just need to up again and swing into action. Enthusiasm alone can help you have such an attitude.

Enthusiasm is Infectious

The greatest benefit of enthusiasm is that it is infectious and so, when you are enthusiastic, you also inspire others. Therefore they will do their tasks with more focus and aplomb. This will hasten your journey towards success. It is a proven fact that people follow enthusiastic and passionate leaders. If enthusiasm is there, you may do everything necessary for achieving your goals, and acquiring the required talents is also a significant part of this process.

How to be Enthusiastic in the Tasks You Undertake

I would like to recommend that you do what you love. This is a psychology based strategy because when you constantly do what you love, enthusiasm will flow naturally.

In life we all need to do things we are not passionate about; it helps to remember why you are doing them. Keeping your goal in mind will motivate you and boost you. You can also try to reframe or redesign the task a bit, so that it makes you more enthusiastic.

Here are some tips for keeping your enthusiasm going strong. It’s simple. It works. Try it!

1. Take 15 minutes a day to do something you love.

No matter how busy you are, take 15 minutes to do something that gives you joy, and watch your enthusiasm return.

2. Get enough sleep.

There is a prevalent notion in our “go go go” culture that sleep is for wimps. “You can sleep when you’re dead,” goes a popular saying. In fact, chronic sleep loss only drains energy and enthusiasm.

3. Feed yourself well.

When your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, it affects brain chemistry, which impacts mood, memory, and cognitive function. A good diet can boost your mood, help you deal with stress, and make it easier to stay enthusiastic.

4. Move your body.

Take a walk, swim, dance, or go throw a football around with a friend. Anything that gets your body doing what it was made for (i.e., moving!) will make it easier for you to find your enthusiasm again.

5. Practice self-compassion.

If you practice responding to yourself with self-compassion rather than aggression, you will discover it’s a much more pleasant way to live, and when life is better, it’s so much easier to stay enthusiastic.

6. Meditate.

Meditation, or any kind of mindfulness training, affects the brain in powerfully positive ways. In fact, studies have shown that mindfulness training actually increases grey matter the regions of the brain involved in learning and memory, emotion regulation, sense of self, and perspective taking — all important for keeping your enthusiasm.

7. Flex your “what’s going well” muscle.

Practice an Attitude of Gratitude. The more attention you put on what’s going well in your life right now, the better life goes, and the easier it is to stay enthusiastic. Write down everything you can think of that you’re grateful for, and make it a practice every day of noticing what’s going well.

8. Clear out clutter.

It’s hard to be enthusiastic when you’re weighed down with stuff cluttering up your space. If clutter is a big problem for you, it may feel overwhelming and impossible to start. Just pick one small area where you’ll really notice a change, and you’ll be amazed at the fresh supply of energy and enthusiasm.

9. Spend time with enthusiastic people.

Enthusiasm is contagious. Since your time and energy is limited, pay attention to how you feel after spending time with people in your life, and seek out those who fill you up, energize, and inspire you.

10. Avoid energy drains.

Negativity is also contagious. If you notice that certain people or relationships cause you to feel drained, depressed, or badly about yourself, stay away from them!

12. Learn to say no.

The happiest, most enthusiastic people I know are those who have learned to be very careful with their time and energy, and to say no to things, and people, who drain them dry.

13. Practice spontaneous acts of kindness (but not sacrifice).

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to say or do something kind for someone else? Performing random, spontaneous acts of kindness — even just a kind word or a genuine smile — has been shown to boost self-image, lead us to perceive others more compassionately, promote a greater sense of connection with others, and feel grateful for our own good fortune. All of these things make us happier, and when we’re happier, it’s easy to be more enthusiastic.

This simple and pleasant thing called enthusiasm in my work, in my life, has helped me to be well rounded, happy and successful!

Picture of Eleanor Togneri

Eleanor Togneri

Eleanor Togneri is the owner of Business ExSellence, Consulting Services and Employee Training. She has over 35 years experience in the business world. In addition to the WIN group she manages a group for business men and women called BEN that has a network lunch each month at Woodside Plantation Country Club. She offers Lunch and Learn sessions on soft skills eight times a year in Aiken as well as custom classes for area businesses.
Picture of Eleanor Togneri

Eleanor Togneri

Eleanor Togneri is the owner of Business ExSellence, Consulting Services and Employee Training. She has over 35 years experience in the business world. In addition to the WIN group she manages a group for business men and women called BEN that has a network lunch each month at Woodside Plantation Country Club. She offers Lunch and Learn sessions on soft skills eight times a year in Aiken as well as custom classes for area businesses.

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