Wellness For Our Youth | Why Are Our Children Sick?

According to the CDC:

3 million children are hospitalized every year

1 in 400 children has diabetes

1 in 40 has autism

1 in 20 has ADHD

Half of all children have a chronic disease and more than 40,000 children are in cancer treatment every year.

Why are so many children sick? What are we doing to cause this epidemic of poor health in our children?

Many people think that diseases “just happen”. Functional medical practitioners know that there are two main causes of illness. On one hand, the body does not get enough of the nutrients it needs. On the other hand, the body gets too many bad things like toxins. According the Lancet Neurology, the number of chemicals known to be toxic to children’s brains has doubled in the last 7 years.

Today’s children are deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood. The cause could be digital dementia, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, poor socialization, lack of creative play, a sense of entitlement, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of responsibility, technological babysitters, lack of outdoor activity, and/or toxins in our environment.

If we want our children to grow into happy and healthy individuals, we have to go back to the basics.

  1. Set limits. You are the parent, not a buddy or friend. Our children need to learn that you know what is best for them and what will keep them safe. Don’t be afraid to say NO if what they want is not what they need.
  2. Provide nutritious foods and snacks.
  3. Ensure that they spend one hour a day outside playing in the dirt, in the trees, or at the playground with other children.
  4. Have dinner together as a family and put away the technology during this time. Talk to each other about the day, the frustrations, and the successes. Talk about plans for the following day. Discuss local, national, and global issues.
  5. Make sure each child is responsible for has age appropriate chores each day. Chores are an expected part of living in a family; chores are not punishment.
  6. Implement consistent sleep routines in a technology-free bedroom.
  7. Teach responsibility and independence. Small failures teach them the skills needed to overcome bigger failures. Each “failure” is a learning opportunity.
  8. Don’t pack your child’s backpack for him or her, and don’t take it to school if it is forgotten. Teach children to do things for themselves.
  9. Teach your children social skills: how to address older people, shake hands, and use silverware and napkins. Teach them table manners and conversation skills. Colleges are having to teach these skills to young adults because they are not learning them at home and they are necessary for success in the working world.
  10. Finally, connect with children on an emotional level: smile at them, hug, kiss, read, dance, and play with your child. Put your electronic devices away and focus on your child.
Rota Krape, RN

Rota Krape, RN

Rota Krape, RN

Rota Krape, RN

In the know

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