Creating a Social Community

There’s a common misperception that Twitter is nothing but a cesspool of hate, celebrity worship, and advertising. While all those things do exist to some extent, wonderful special interest communities also thrive on the platform. One example is the writing community. Made up of both aspiring and successful authors, this group uses the hashtag #writingcommunity to connect with one another. Writers ask for advice about their current projects and writing careers in general, promote their latest work, and sometimes just chat. Members frequently do something called a #writerslift, where new writers with not many followers describe their work, and other members of the community follow them. This lets people who are just starting out get a lot of exposure quickly for their books and stories.

The City of Aiken’s character trait for the month of December is “generosity.” I love the writers lift as an example of how generosity works to build communities through social media. When members follow one another and give feedback on each others’ works in progress, the writing community grows and thrives. When members are stingy with their follows and comments, a community withers.

Sometimes, social media is referred to as “the attention economy.” Millions of businesses and individuals are vying for our attention on every social media platform. Some want to sell things, others just want to be seen. But all want a piece of our attention, our time. As a result, attention has become a precious commodity. Nobody can see every single TikTok video or every Instagram Story that’s out there, so we have to pick and choose, follow our favorites, and ignore everything else.

A rule of thumb in internet culture says that only 1% of the people online are active participants — commenting and creating content — and everyone else is just lurking, passively watching. It makes sense — commenting, creating, and posting takes more time and commitment than just scrolling through a feed. But that 1% (some studies say the number is closer to 10%) is what makes any online community thrive. The people who share photos, videos, songs, and stories for everyone else to see keep that community vital. The people who comment on that content create a sense of connection among the members. We see that there are real people out there who share our interests, and we feel part of something bigger than ourselves.

YouTube channels are a great example of this community building. One person creates the bulk of the content, the video. Subscribers watch and comment and participate via their feedback. The community comes together around a shared interest in cooking, or drawing, or gaming, or rebuilding classic car engines. The creator sees subscribers’ comments and incorporates them into his or her next video, thereby letting the subscribers feel that their input is valuable. A strong, active community attracts followers.

In the spirit of generosity this month, think about where and to whom you’re giving your attention on social media. Do you know a local business or charity that could use a boost? Follow them and share them with your network. Is there a community you’re a part of, a small YouTube channel or budding podcast you enjoy? Participate by creating some content for them — a friendly comment is all you need. By being generous with your time and attention, you’re helping to build a positive online community.

Picture of Susanna King

Susanna King

Susanna King is the Co-owner of Flourish Media, a social media marketing company here in Aiken. She has a degree in multimedia design and has worked in the online media industry for over two decades.
Picture of Susanna King

Susanna King

Susanna King is the Co-owner of Flourish Media, a social media marketing company here in Aiken. She has a degree in multimedia design and has worked in the online media industry for over two decades.

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